Managing Gifts

Changing a Gift’s Price

To change the price on one of your gifts, do the following:

  1. Make sure you are logged in to your account
  2. Visit the gift’s detail page
  3. To the right of the gift’s price, tap the “Edit” button
  4. Update the price
  5. Tap the “Save” button to update your gift with the new price

Deleting a Gift

From your wish list page

  1. Click the Gift’s option button ••• in the lower right corner
  2. Choose the Delete Item option from the menu
  3. Choose “OK” to confirm or “Cancel” deleting the gift

From your gift page

  1. Click the Gift’s option button ••• in the upper right corner
  2. Choose the Delete Item option from the menu
  3. Choose “OK” to confirm or “Cancel” deleting the gift

Moving a Gift to a different list

From your wish list page

  1. Click the Gift’s option button ••• in the lower right corner
  2. To move to an existing list, choose Copy to Wish List. To move to a new list, choose Copy to New Wish List.

From your gift page

  1. Click the Gift’s option button ••• in the upper right corner
  2. To move to an existing list, choose Copy to Wish List. To move to a new list, choose Copy to New Wish List.